
Showing posts from August, 2019

She was 16 and she really wants to have a baby... Part.1

She was 16 and she really wants to have a baby...                                         Part.1 A 16 years girl "Monika" ask her 20 years friend that I really want to have a baby, is it possible? No, her friend "Lilly" said. Because you have no boyfriend and no relationship with someone who loved you, kiss you, huge you and sleep with you...  Monika: You have many boyfriends, who kissing you on your lips all the time and I saw you much time that you sleep with them without clothes 👗 and still you have no babies. Lilly: yes I sleep with them because I want to, and they sleep with me because they want to... And yes I have no baby because I don't want to... Any other question... Son of 😎.... To be continued...

live like a king of your life

The world is busy and everyone has no times to think about themselves.  Everyone should spend a few mints with himself... isn't it crazy? yes, it is but if you do every day and think about your present time that how my life is and how should be, believe me, it will help a lot.            Our mind is a system and if you transfer just busy things and no joys or happiness etc... then how you can be happy...

sweet post

hi please follow me... i am student of english literature, i need your help to improve myself and go farther on... thanks...